

90年代最好的一部电影: 红色警戒线(the Thin Red Line)


原作 Josh Brastad. 杨飞翻译


Possibly the most powerful dramatic genre of film, war movies are never ignored. And in this day and age war films have certain expectations to become successful and praiseworthy: they must have a clear and evil villain, they must have an ideal GI hero, they must be provided with a sentimental patriotic score (John Williams the masses salute you) and most importantly war films must pack reassurance, a way to incorporate that killing is necessary, that war shuts out tyranny, and delivers strength to a country. (It doesn't hurt to flat out say the film's dedication is to the American men who saved the USA and ended the holocaust...aka Mr. Spielberg).

作为电影界最震撼和最戏剧化的基因,战争从来就是银幕的永恒主题。时至今日,仿佛有一个期盼,一个模式,一部成功的战争片必须要有恶魔的一方,也必须有英雄的一方与之对应,还必须要有动人的爱国主义的主题音乐(这里我要向著名的音乐制作人 John Williams 敬礼),最重要的是, 一部成功的战争片必须要贯穿着复仇的主线,用以说明杀戮是必要的。战争消灭了暴君,显示了正义的力量。(这里我不妨直言,那其实就是要表现一个或者几个美国人最终拯救了美国,结束了那些大屠杀,赫赫,问一下大导演斯皮尔伯格巴。


Terrence Malick's 1998 war film "The Thin Red Line" was a terrible box office flop. On a 60 million budget the film made barely 10 million at the box office. It was the shadow that never existed at the 98 Oscars and many professional critics included such supposed millionaire movie judges like Roger Ebert, dismissed the film. 

Terrence Malick 1998年的战争片《红色警戒线》,the thin red line,是一场巨大的票房灾难, 6千万美元的投资勉强收回了1千万。1998年的奥斯卡评奖台后面有一个阴影,那就是许多职业影评家包括如Roger Ebert(百万富翁影评家),都把《红》打入冷宫。


The answer is simple, I see it every time I'm around a wide body of people: the film never pounds any answers into our heads like most three hour films (such as the recents films of Darabout, Spielberg, Cameron)


"Line" is an essay, a poem, filled with questions and theory. In short we, in our stress - induced mocha fueled, cell phone powered lives want to laugh, want to cry,want to lean our heads against our spouse, and dwell in reassurance at a movie. We don't want to question..



The Thin Red Line is an anti-thesis toward war, war films, and the modern day pace of living.


The film begins with Private Witt, a AWOL-ed transcendentalist who has found heaven on earth in the form of life among the natives of the Solomon islands. In this life, Witt finds no fear, thus he discovers immortality; to give yourself and die without a fear in your soul. Already, without wide realization, Witt has become one of the most unforgettable screen characters. He is the most intriguing character in a war picture since Col. Kurtz of "Apocalypse Now" and Hollywood screenwriters such as "American Beauty's" Alan Ball have recognized Malick's creation (just look at "Beauty's" character Ricky Fitts and his strong resemblance to Witt).

影片的开头,一个美军的逃兵Private Witt,在所罗们群岛的原住民那里找到了他的天堂,他在那里找到了无畏,从而发现了永生的含义:活出你真实的自我,你自己的心灵的无惧就是你的永生!Witt甚至自己还没有意识到,他已经是战争银幕最令人难忘的角色之一,他是自Col. Kurtz的《Apocalypse Now》以来最有特色的战争片角色,好来屋的编剧们,包括《美国美人》American Beauty的编剧Alan Ball也点头认可Malick所创造的这个角色,别的不说,光看看《美国美人》的主角Ricky Fitts和Witt有多么相似就知道了。

The fact that so many critics have called Thin Red Line character's unfocused and bland is truth that the philosopical aspect of film is dying.


The characters in Line are all original (much unlike the cliché roles of Spielberg's "Ryan"). Pvt. Bell discovers that lust and desire are interpreted in many forms, as his hearts contentness fades when his wife explains she could not withstand the wait for his homecoming. Sgt. Welsh's loneliness is only unbalanced by his kindness as he realizes that the image of one man can make a difference.

《红》所创造的角色都非常的原始,和斯皮尔博革《抢救大兵雷恩》里的那些英雄角色根本不一样。比如,Pvt. Bell在得知他的妻子因为无法忍受翘首盼郎归的痛苦而离他而去之后,才发现人的心灵的容忍度的局限,才发现人的肉欲和欲望原来有着万千种表现形式。Sgt. Welsh直到认识到爱人在他心中的形象就是他的所有之后,才感到他的孤独感和他善良的天性无法对应。


 ("If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack. A glance from your eyes, and my life will be yours"). The confrontation between Col. Tall and Cpt. Staros give Malick's deliverance to Kubrick's "Paths of Glory" with his internal conflict between the solider and the authority who orders death for the sake of ego.

(剧中的原话是:如果我在生命中没有遇到你,那就让我与孤独为伴巴。也许你只是不经意的一个眼光,但是我的生命已经是你的了)。影片中Coll. Tall 上尉和Staros上校的冲突给了《红》的导演Malick一个类似Kubrick的《Path of Glory》似的表现手法:前线士兵和后方指挥官的两个世界:指挥官的尊严高于士兵的生命.

Possibly the greatest reason I award Malick's film as the decade's finest is because it's nothing short of revolutionary. It has much more in common with "2001: A Space Oddessy" than it does with "Saving Private Ryan" like most reviews compare. Both "2001" and Malick's film construct stances on humanity's present circumstance and idealism. Whereas "2001" stretched 50 years into the future to show how we destroy ourselves, "Thin Red" stretches 50 years into the past.


It poses the question: why do we fight one another? So simple a child could ask it, but no Harvard genius could even ponder to explain a right answer. Beyond all the polics and rich egoists, why do we even have enemies? Would the earth be a finer place without us? Does our ruin benefit the earth?


In perhaps the most powerful cinematic scene of the 1990's American and Japanese soldiers senselessly kill one another through fog, and destroy a village in mid-morning while many Japanese are having prayer.



The battle is set to Hans Zimmer's detesting ballad "Silence". There are no heros no villains, just chaos coming to a climax.

这场杀戮的背景音乐是Hans Zimmer’s 民谣《Silence》,极度的震撼和恶心。没有英雄,没有恶魔,只有混乱和没有人性的氛围。

It ends with a brave monologue in the second person that speaks directly to the audience that clapped for "Ryan's" US GI's as they burned some Nazi's to death: "Is this darkness in you too?"


--This text refers to the DVD edition


英文原文标题:the finest film of the 90's, March 15, 2000 Reviewer: Josh Brastad from Port Angeles, Washington



一篇1000多字的影评翻译, 原以为很简单,结果是昨天晚上我从8点一直做到11点半,还是强行完成的, 有几个地方自己还非常的不满意。各位翻译高手还请多指教。

需要说明的是,英文原件本来就有一些拼写和语法上的错误,原文是 http://www.amazon.com/ 的顾客评论,不是很正规的文章,当然行文就不是那么严谨,就更弄的我鸡手鸭脚,有几个地方一半是猜的。

翻译的两大派争论了好几个世纪, 到底应该是写实还是应该写意?最近我一直在看我国著名的法文翻译家傅雷的文集,手一痒,就自己试验着翻译点东西,再怎么说也总比在聊天室混日子多些收获巴。结果是我3个小时抽烟7根,骂娘10次,喝饮料和茶4杯,,,,,,惨。



STAR. July,2001









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